Bad karma from traffic calmers

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Your letters
It was good to see that West Sussex County Council’s ‘Better Roads’ programme is in full swing (Gazette, June 19) and I note that part of the process is to make our roads safer.

With that in mind, is anything being considered to deal with the problems of Station Road, Angmering, which has now turned into a rat run at busy times?

The centre of Angmering village is supposed to be a 20 miles per hour zone. However, many motorists take no notice. The pinch points (or chicanes) at various places along the road exacerbate the problem, with motorists regularly speeding up in an attempt to get through the next obstruction. At busy times, there are many occasions when motorists are coming head to head, with horns blaring.

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There is only one narrow footpath leading south from the village, and pedestrians, including significant numbers of schoolchildren, are forced to walk within inches of speeding cars which are rushing towards the next pinch point. Residents seeking to exit their drives onto the roadway have to run the gauntlet of a steady stream of through traffic which, seemingly, does not want to slow down for anyone.

I understand that the pinch points were installed to discourage traffic from using the village as a cut-through. To this end, they have failed.

With the continued building of new homes in the general area, we can expect more traffic, not less. If the council is serious about its Better Roads programme, it could do no worse than focus attention on this dangerous section of road and do something to reduce the speed of the traffic.

I would be happy to meet a road safety representative from the council to discuss the matter, and have sent a copy of this letter directly to them, to see if this can be arranged.

Aidan Thorne

Station Road


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