Expressing fear

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I am writing with reference to your online report (March 20) ‘Major roads to be “expressways”,’ stating that the Government has now decided to upgrade certain trunk roads in the UK, including the A27, to the European ‘Expressway’ standard.

BBC Sussex reported on the radio three days later that the Expressway would be like a mini-motorway, with no roundabouts or traffic lights, and speeds could be up to 115 kilometres per hour.

Sir Peter Bottomley, to his credit, when interviewed on that radio programme, confirmed a scheme was being discussed (was it discussed at the high level meeting in Littlehampton on Tuesday, March 24?) for the present route through Worthing, but he wouldn’t be drawn on whether it would be an ‘Expressway’ or a four-lane dual-carriageway.

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No doubt an Expressway would please West Sussex County Council, the business community, many local councillors and MPs, but bring horror to those close to such a road.

Yes, there is congestion at commuter times, but where is any road that flows freely at those times?

Just imagine, if such a four-lane dual carriageway ‘Expressway’ were to be built through Worthing. At least 200 homes would be blighted or demolished – imagine the cost, not only in terms of house values, but the emotional turmoil and even the cost of setting up a new home.

The Government and the taxpayer could face a blight bill in excess of £60 million and then there’s the bill for the road itself.

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With an election on the horizon, please could we hear what our prospective candidates have to say about this?

John Hughes

Welland Road


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