LETTER: Decisive action on energy supply

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Peter Grace and Chris French (County Times letters) recently highlighted the limited benefits obtaining from wind farms, while David Moore made some further valid points in the County Times.

Despite all of the arguments, there is no proven climate change model. But there is evidence (not proof) that CO2 emissions probably do increase extreme weather events and their impact.

So it makes sense to focus on the most cost effective means of reducing CO2 emissions, noting that wind energy costs much more than home insulation or heat pumps, per tonne of CO2 reduction.

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That approach (endorsed by David Moore) has been repeated in my various responses to the HDPF, but it continues to fall on deaf ears.

Sadly green levies have encouraged high-energy businesses to go to countries where CO2 outputs happen to be much higher per kWhr used, thereby raising global emissions.

Even worse, the diversion of billions of pounds into intermittent energy sources, such as wind, plus the early closure of coal fired power stations, raises the risk of power cuts.

Since the Chinese and Indians are building several hundred coal fired power stations, we might have had a greater impact on global emissions, by developing Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) technology, giving it free to them.

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We might then have also benefited from the 300 years worth of coal that we have underground, reducing our dependence on overseas energy suppliers.

For now, we could take £60 billion from the HS2 project and build some gas-fired power stations (plus gas storage), to help avoid the type of blackouts and brownouts last seen in the 1970s. That should also help avoid further increases in green levy costs.

What we need now is common sense, strong leadership and decisive action by Parliament.


Horsham district councillor for Chanctonbury and UKIP parliamentary candidate for Horsham, North Street, Horsham

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