Letter: ‘They’ want to replace Martlets hall - eventually

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I visited the exhibition about the redevelopment of the Martlets, and was given the impression that the loss of the Martlets Hall is down to “The Council” (not specified, but presumably Mid Sussex District).

It seems “they” want to replace the hall - eventually - but it is not a priority, because “they’re not making money from it”.

Apparently the place must be demolished because “the shop units are too small”, and “we have to build new shops if you want better shops”.

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I wonder why there is such an emphasis by the Council on the provision of yet more restaurants in the revamped Martlets. In or around Burgess Hill from Hoadley’s Corner down to London Road there are no fewer than sixty places where either cold snacks or hot meals can be bought, and two more stand empty now, so why does the town need more?

I would also question what right Mid Sussex District Council has to give away the Wolstonbury Way car park, when it was created in the 1960s for the benefit of Burgess Hill’s residents before Mid Sussex District even existed. As there are now proposals for 3,500 new houses in the northern part of Burgess Hill, where are the prospective inhabitants of these new houses to park if they want to visit the town centre if the Council has disposed of one of the few car parks and demolished another?

J. Barton

Chanctonbury Road

Burgess Hill