Pupils wear onesies for diabetes charity

Arundside School during their 'Type Onesie' day for diabetesArundside School during their 'Type Onesie' day for diabetes
Arundside School during their 'Type Onesie' day for diabetes
The children and staff of Arunside School in Horsham raised money for research into diabetes.

We held a ‘Type Onesie’ day where we all wore onesies to acknowledge the important work JDRF are doing.

To note World Diabetes Day the children enjoyed an assembly learning about diabetes and the work of charities that are continually finding out more about it to help everyone. Some children and staff have diabetes and were able to add to our knowledge.

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Mrs. Slight, head teacher, said: “We encourage children to think about others and help them whilst broadening their knowledge about key issues. We aim to have a fun element to our fund raising campaigns alongside learning something new each time. We were delighted so many children took part in this event.”

Report and picture contributed by Arunside School.