Sad to see obit

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It is with much regret that I read the obituary for Peter Cheney in the Littlehampton Gazette.

I moved to West Sussex in 1973 and it was always a great highlight to attend the auction rooms in Western Road.

Peter Cheney was a very charismatic and interesting man and it was a morning’s entertainment, in itself, to attend.

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There was a very good working team with both Mr and Mrs Cheney, and I am sure many households in Littlehampton have articles graced on their table auctioned by them.

Not only was the auction room a great success; it is probably one of the few in the country, if the not the only, that didn’t actually apply a buyer’s premium.

Mr Cheney was an amazing auctioneer. Both Peter and Susan, his wife, worked very hard for local charities, including the RNLI and St John Ambulance, and they have made a valuable contribution towards Littlehampton.

Norma Matthews

South Terrace


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