I’m astonished at Wayne Andrews’ idea that the RNLI should assess someone’s legal status before rescuing them!

From: David Goodenough, The Green, Bodiam

I read with astonishment the letter from Wayne Andrews in the Observer. He maintains that the RNLI should not assist migrants as their activity is illegal, and the decision to do so is political.

The RNLI exist only to prevent loss of life at sea.

It is not for them to decide who is entitled to be saved.

What does Wayne expect the RNLI to do when they come across a floundering boat full of people?

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Should they demand to see passports, and visa documentation, or perhaps administer a citizenship test and if unsatisfied with their right to be in UK waters, turn round and leave them to it?

In fact why stop at the RNLI?

Perhaps all the emergency services should apply the same principle, think of the cost savings.

Of course there will always be a few who are entitled to be saved but can’t prove it, but at the end of the day that’ll be their own silly fault and clearly a small price to pay in Wayne’s world.

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