Who are you burning this Guy Fawkes night?

A 7ft tall papier mache Go Compare man will go up in smoke in a Slinfold pub's bonfire and fireworks night this Friday (November 1).

The Red Lyon, The Street, expects to attract around 750 people to its annual garden party.

The figure of the infamous TV personality was made by local artist, John Marshall.

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The pub’s manager, Tot Taylor, 52, of Horsham, said: “We wanted something annoying and he’s come up with the Go Compare man and I think it’s incredible.

“It’s very life-like; some people say it’s too good to burn and other people say burn him down, put him to the stake!

“I’m trying to find a way to get some lighting down to the bonfire so people can actually see him.”

The piece of art has been on display under big umbrellas in the pub’s patio for around a week.

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