
If you have anything: you wish to be included then please get in touch on [email protected]

The extracts from the School log book: are changing….to mark the fact that Beckley WI is celebrating being in existence for 100 years and the anniversary of the end of WW1 …..the extracts will now come from Beckley C of E School The War Years. The entries are still being made by Mr Blackmore who was head for 35 years!

(28.05.17: School again closed under Medical Order by M.O.H East Sussex County Council on account of Measles until 22.06.17.)

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25.06.17: Reopened after closure for Measles. The epidemic has passed. There are only a few known cases now and they are Infants. The other children of the families will not attend until it is quite safe. Reported to the M.O.H. – Dr Dunstan. Admitted Dorothy Rhodes (stayed until 23.12.25 – of age domestic service), Reginald Larkin (stayed until 27.08.26 – of age work at home) and Leslie Paine (stayed until 15.04.27 – of age – gardening).

27.06.17: The Infant girl of Juden family, Hobbs Lane, has Measles. The child next above it in age was affected over three weeks ago. The children attended school on the 25th and 26th but have been excluded today.

If you miss the Victorian entries why not buy a copy of “Diary of a Victorian Schoolmaster” or its companion book ‘Beckley C of E School The Victorian Years.’ Available to buy at the school office. A donation from each book sold goes towards the Beckley School Association.

Waitrose Hawkhurst: are supporting the better Beckley play park scheme in June, so if you shop there don’t forget to ask for a token to vote for the scheme.

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Barn Dance: What a fun time was had by all who attended the barn dance last Saturday to celebrate 200 years of the school. The Catsfield steamers were wonderful and everyone who attended had a great time.

Beckley’s Big Day Out: hopefully you should have had a leaflet detailing the road closure etc popped through your door during the past week. If not you can pick one up from the Rose and Crown. The leaflet not only details the road closures but also gives a list of the fun dog show classes and the horticultural show classes that ANYONE can enter. Please take a few minutes to read through and put in an entry.

Urgent: Can you help? – Road Marshalls are needed in order to make the big village fete a success and remain safe. If you can volunteer for a couple of hours on the afternoon of June 30th please contact me on the above email.

A Special Day and a special show: Everyone in the village is being encouraged to enter something into the village show on Saturday 30th June whether it’s a flower from your garden, a pot of jam or a cake. There will be a marquee located on the Jubilee field and you can bring your entries on the day between 9.30 -11.30. You do not need to be a member of the Horticultal Society to enter this show and we would like the whole day to be a success to mark 200 years of the school and 100 years of the WI. Schedules listing the classes are on the horticultural website and will be available in the village so you can get planning!!!

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