
GREETINGS: That's it then. Summer is over and it is back to the grindstone, and children and students back to work. Not sure that I agree that the summer holiday is too long, and children forget half of what they learned the previous year. When I was working, the month of August flew past, leaving work-related stuff still to do.

CHURCH NEWS: The 9.30 am Parish Eucharist for the 15th Sunday after Pentecost will be led by the Vicar, Rev. Jonathan Meyer. September is designated as the Creation Season when prayers are said for the works of nature. During the coming week we remember Gregory the Great, who sent Augustine to evangelise the English in 597. He was regarded as the Father of Christian Worship throughout the Middle Ages and is now recognised as the patron of Anglo-Roman Catholic relations.

WEATHER: As I write, the rain is lashing up against the windows in – unfortunately – Bank Holiday weather. It is such a shame when people have planned outdoor events and worked so hard, to have it all ruined by rain. Yes, we need some for the sake of the land, but not this much and just now. The farmers have been working overtime to get hay and straw in before it gets soaked.

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